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Deprivation of Liberty: Authorisation and Procedures

Understanding Standard Authorisation

Before deciding on deprivation of liberty, an application for standard authorisation must be completed.

  • The managing authority (e.g., care home manager, NHS trust) is responsible for applying for authorisation.
  • Authorisation is required upon admission to or stay in a hospital or care home.
  • Deprivation without authorisation is unlawful.

Process of Standard Authorisation

Steps involved in applying for standard authorisation:

  • Consider alternative care options to avoid deprivation.
  • Submit a written application to the local supervisory body (usually the local authority).
  • The supervisory body has 21 days to decide on the application.
  • Application includes personal details, medical information, care plans, and proposed restrictions.
  • Supervisory body conducts assessments to determine eligibility.
  • Decision to grant or refuse authorisation based on assessment.

Emergency Authorisation

Urgent authorisation in emergencies:

  • Can be granted by hospital or care home management alongside standard authorisation request.
  • Typically valid for seven days; may be extended by supervisory body under certain circumstances.
  • All decisions must follow structured procedures and be well-documented.

Advanced Decisions and Capacity

Considerations regarding advanced decisions:

  • Individuals over 18 can make advanced decisions in writing regarding refusal of medical treatment.
  • Health professionals must validate advanced decisions when capacity to decide is lost.